Upcoming events.

True North Insight - Monday Evening BIPOC Sangha (Online)
Monday BIPOC Sangha
Black, Indigenous and People of Colour - online
Dawn Mauricio, Tatiana Castellanos, Arti Mehta, Rose Mina Munjee, Michelle Nicholls, Naaz Diwan, and more.
Dāna —Donations— to teachers is encouraged.
Thank you! 🙏🏽 🩶

True North Insight - Monday Evening BIPOC Sangha (Online)
Monday BIPOC Sangha
Black, Indigenous and People of Colour - online
Dawn Mauricio, Tatiana Castellanos, Arti Mehta, Rose Mina Munjee, Michelle Nicholls, Naaz Diwan, and more.
Dāna —Donations— to teachers is encouraged.
Thank you! 🙏🏽 🩶

True North Insight - Monday Evening BIPOC Sangha (Online) (Copy)
Monday BIPOC Sangha
Black, Indigenous and People of Colour - online
Dawn Mauricio, Tatiana Castellanos, Arti Mehta, Rose Mina Munjee, Michelle Nicholls, Naaz Diwan, and more.
Dāna —Donations— to teachers is encouraged.
Thank you! 🙏🏽 🩶

Mettā/Lovingkindness Retreat with Kate Johnson.
I will be assisting Kate Johnson, meditation teacher, on this TNI retreat:
Mettā is the quality of love that blossoms when we turn our attention toward what is inherently lovely, worthy and good – within us and all around us. It’s an unconditional and infinitely renewable resource, rooted in love of self and love of community.
In these times of anxiety, loneliness, and toxic romance culture, metta can help fortify our hearts and minds with a love that is more powerful than fear. By centering what we care about, we find the energy to keep moving steadily toward individual and collective liberation.
In this Lovingkindness retreat, we will explore Metta practice as a way of cultivating a warm and courageous heart, as well as a practice of purifying everything that gets in the way of love. Our practices will include guided meditation, movement practices, chanting, and connecting with nature, in a container of noble silence.

True North Insight - Monday Evening BIPOC Sangha (Online)
Monday BIPOC Sangha
Black, Indigenous and People of Colour - online
Dawn Mauricio, Tatiana Castellanos, Arti Mehta, Rose Mina Munjee, Michelle Nicholls, Naaz Diwan, and more.
Dāna —Donations— to teachers is encouraged.
Thank you! 🙏🏽 🩶

Finding Home in Love and Equanimity
Finding Home in Love and Equanimity
a Daylong Meditation Retreat on Metta and Upekkha
Join my TNI Toronto peers for this lovely daylong retreat. I will not be teaching at this event, but I recommend it for anyone who would like to experience practicing in noble silence, for a day.